鹿児島大学 水産学部

Faculty of Fisheries /
Postgraduate School of Fisheries, Kagoshima University

Vol. 7

1.Angler:Atsushi YAMAMOTO(Fisheries Resource Science)
3.Place:Koshiki Islets from Sendai port by a fishing boat, Ebisu-maru.
4.Target:Grouper, rock fish, Chicken grunt…
" Due to strong wind in the morning, our destination was changed to off the coast of Kosiki islets. We, anglers love groupers because of their aggressive fight along with delicious flavor."

Areolate grouper (Epinephelus areolatus),
heavier than 2kg in weight and satisfied angler (Homo sapiens) weighing 65kg

Today’s catch

Homemade sushi of chicken grunt
with fish head soup of today’s catch