鹿児島大学 水産学部

Faculty of Fisheries /
Postgraduate School of Fisheries, Kagoshima University

Vol. 4

1.Angler:Atsushi YAMAMOTO(Fisheries Resource Science)
3.Place:Uji Islets, Kagoshima Pref.
4.Target:Amberjack (Seriola dumerilli) 3.0 ㎏. B.W.
5.Tackle:Lure fishing (metal jig)
"Amberjacks are caught not only off the coast of remote islets of Kagoshima Pref, but also along the coast of Kagoshima Bay almost all the year. Beautiful figure with vivid nuchal bars, unpredictable powerful runs when hooked and fabulicious taste. I never get tired of catching them"

Beautiful amberjack and satisfied angler

3 hours voyage on fishing boat
Homemade sushi