鹿児島大学 水産学部

Faculty of Fisheries /
Postgraduate School of Fisheries, Kagoshima University


Aquatic Sciences
Fish Ecology Lab. 
Associate Professor Gen Kume

I am a fish ecologist and the principle investigator of Fish Ecology lab of Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University. Fish Ecology lab is located in the Shimoarata campus in the middle of Kagoshima City. Our lab is focused on the study of basic and applied ecology of freshwater and marine fish. We work mainly in the life history studies and conservation biology of aquatic systems, collaborating with other labs and institutions. A stronger emphasis is often placed on studies for early life stages of fishes, especially recruitment. We use many approaches and tools, including snorkel, scuba, RV surveys, lab experiments, long-term dataset analysis and DNA and stable isotope techniques.

Currently we have active research projects in a variety of ecosystems such as Kagoshima Bay and adjacent coastal and offshore areas and Amami-oshima. (Amami-oshima is a semi-tropical island located halfway between Kyushu and the main island of Okinawa.) Our goal is to contribute the conservation of biodiversity and the sustainable utilization of fisheries resources by understanding biology and ecology of fish.

Fig1.The landmark of Kagoshima Pref: Mt. Sakurajima

Fig2.An assemblage of Pseudanthias rubrizonatus in a rocky reef of Kagoshima Bay

Fig3.An endangered species: Ryukyu-ayu Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis

Fig4.An upper reach of a river where Plecoglossus altivelis ryukyuensis inhabits in Amami-oshima

Fig5.An ichthyoplankton survey conducted on RV Nansei-maru