鹿児島大学 水産学部

Faculty of Fisheries /
Postgraduate School of Fisheries, Kagoshima University

Request for certification issuance

Type of Certification

Non-degree student
Research Scholar
Graduation certificate
Academic transcript
Certificate about the scholatis ability
Completion Certificate
Academic transcript
Certificate about the scholatis ability
Academic transcript
Certificate about the scholatis ability
Completion Certificate

Request at the office counter

Please fill in the request documentation at the window of student affairs section.
You can receive a certificate the next day at a window from at 13:00 (except Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays). But publication may be late when there are the events of the university.

Request by E-mail (Student Affairs Section E-mail: fgakusei@kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp

Please request to the e-mail address mentioned above.
Do not forget to write requirement as follow,

Also, you should send us self-addressed envelope with stamp and copy of your ID (driver’s license, passport). We will send you the certificate after confirmation.

Issuing Fee

Free. But you need transport charge.


Generally, applicant can request and receive the certificate.
When the person except applicant request the certificate, power of attorney will be necessary.


Student Affairs Section
Faculty of Fisheries, Kagoshima University:
Shimoarata 4-Chome 50-20, Kagoshima  890-0056, Japan
Phone: +81-99-286-4040 Fax: +81-99-286-4021
E-Mail: fgakusei(AT)kuas.kagoshima-u.ac.jp