ギマラス島重油事故関係 第7弾


Dear Chancellor Dr. G. Aguilar
We have just finished the water analysis. I am enclosing herewith the file of results. We collected the sea water in the southern part of Guimalas Island (I forgot the name of the village) and in Taklong Island. To compare, I also attach the result from Tanegashima Island in Kagoshima. Comparing to the result from Tanegashima Island, some of PAHs concentration in the sea water samples from Guimalas and Taklong Island were higher. However, the PAHs concentration of Guimalas and Taklong Island samples were not very high.
We also analyzed alkylated PAHs. Unfortunately, we did not analyzed those alkylated PAHs of Tanegashima Island sea water with exceptions of methyl naphthalene and methyl phenanthrene. We also found that the methyl naphthalene and methyl phenanthrene
concentrations in Guimalas and Taklong Island sea water samples were higher than those from Tanegashima Island.
From these results, we conclude that we need to monitor PAHs concentration in the sea water around Guimalas Island. We will start analyzing PAHs concentration in coastal organisms soon which we collected in September.

(これは、小山教授がAguilar UPV学長に宛てた手紙を採録したものです。手紙には、分析結果fileが添付されていましたが、ここでは掲載していません)

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